
Teenagers and adults who want straighter teeth frequently favor orthodontic treatments and procedures that are less obvious or virtually undetectable due to social or professional reasons. We, therefore, provide one of the most popular and cutting-edge teeth-straightening procedures on the market right now. Look no further than Main Street Dental if you’re searching for a dependable Invisalign dentist in North Baltimore, Ohio. Invisalign allows you to say goodbye to metal braces and hello to new alternatives by using a contemporary method to straighten your teeth.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign, which both dentists and orthodontists approve, is a good alternative for many people looking for straighter teeth. A succession of transparent plastic “aligners” are used in the Invisalign orthodontic alignment system. In terms of look, these aligners resemble a retainer or a night guard for teeth grinding. 


Each set of aligners is made to apply mild pressure to your teeth, which will cause them to move toward a healthier, more even position. Every two weeks or so, you will get a new set of aligners to help you gently realign your teeth. Every new aligner tray precisely fitted to your mouth has minor changes to shift and straighten your smile over time.


Every 4-6 weeks, you’ll return to our office for a checkup and to receive your following set of aligners. You’ll often finish your treatment in a year or less, as we can treat most patients with 20–24 sets of aligners.


What are the Benefits of Invisalign?

We can successfully treat the following mild-to-moderate dental misalignments with Invisalign:


  • Crowded Teeth
  • Gaps Between the Teeth
  • Crooked Teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth After Braces


If you have significant orthodontic and alignment problems, Invisalign might not be your best course of action. If so, Dr. Michael O’Neill or Dr. Emily Spetka might suggest a different method of action. However, besides correcting the above issues, Invisalign has many more benefits.


Invisalign is Virtually Invisible

One of the primary benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners are virtually invisible. Clear aligners are a significant advantage over traditional braces, which can be conspicuous. 


Invisalign is Removable

Another benefit of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable. Being able to remove them means that you can take them out for special occasions, such as weddings or job interviews. It also means you can brush and floss your teeth more efficiently than with traditional braces.


Invisalign is More Comfortable

Invisalign aligners are also more comfortable than traditional braces. Because they are made of smooth plastic, they are less likely to irritate the gums and cheeks. 


Invisalign Treatment is Faster

Invisalign treatment is typically faster than traditional braces treatment. In most cases, treatment with Invisalign takes about 12 months, while treatment with conventional braces can take up to 24 months.


Invisalign is More Affordable

Invisalign is also generally more affordable than traditional braces. The cost of Invisalign treatment ranges from $3,000 to $8,000, while the cost of traditional braces ranges from $5,000 to $10,000.


The Invisalign Process

Dr. O’Neill or Dr. Spetka must first evaluate your teeth to decide whether Invisalign is the best option for you. We will digitally scan your teeth to produce 3D representations of them. These scans will help Dr. O’Neill or Dr. Spetka create a customized treatment plan for your individual requirements. He then makes clear plastic aligners that are tailored to fit your teeth. As mentioned above, you will wear each set for 4-6 weeks until you have utilized every set in your plan.


Invisalign Dentist in North Baltimore, OH

Everyone is entitled to a smile they may proudly flaunt to the world. Unfortunately, having teeth that are crooked, uneven, or gapped can make your smile look less attractive. Orthodontics can alter your smile’s cosmetic appeal and enhance your dental health. At Main Street Dental, we provide Invisalign clear aligners as a discreet way to straighten your crooked or gapped smile. We are your Invisalign dentist in North Baltimore, OH. Schedule a consultation today!