Dental Implants

Whatever the cause, tooth loss can make it difficult to eat and speak properly and can also make you feel less confident. Dentures have long been a tried-and-true restorative dentistry treatment and the only long-term option that gives patients a functioning smile that is natural in appearance. Come to Main Street Dental for dental implants in North Baltimore, OH.


What are Dental Implants?

A titanium dental implant is a synthetic tooth root. It is inserted into the jawbone and is used to hold a denture, dental bridge, or dental crown. Implants offer a reliable, long-lasting option for people who are missing teeth and can last a lifetime with proper maintenance. They mimic the appearance, feel, and functionality of your natural teeth.


Benefits of Dental Implants

Are you wondering why you should choose a dental implant? It can be challenging to select the ideal tooth replacement solution. However, given the advantages they offer patients, dental implants are a preferred option. 


There are many benefits of dental implants. They can help improve your appearance and self-confidence, give you back the ability to eat and speak properly, and make it easier to keep your teeth clean. However, there are more benefits of dental implants. These advantages include:


  • Natural in appearance
  • Prevents bone loss
  • Safe for adjacent natural teeth
  • Comfortable and stable
  • Low maintenance
  • 98% success rate
  • Prevents other teeth from shifting
  • Can last a lifetime
  • Improves your oral health
  • Preserves your appearance


If you are wondering if dental implants can benefit you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael O’Neill and Dr. Emily Spetka.


Implant Placement Process

Your first step is to see Dr. O’Neill or Dr.Spetka for a free dental implant consultation. He will decide if dental implants are the best option for you and will address any of your concerns. This complimentary consultation includes a meeting with Dr. O’Neill or Dr. Spetka, discussing available treatments and information on dental implants. When you are aware of every step in the procedure, we think you will feel more at ease.


We’ll take digital impressions and use CAT SCAN imaging to ensure that the implants our team designs are made especially for your mouth. To ensure your utmost comfort on the day of your implant operation, local or general anesthetic will be given to the surgical area. We will insert a dental implant into your jawbone. We may also attach a temporary crown that you can wear until your final crown is ready. 


You will recover for three to six months following the treatment, during which time the implant will naturally fuse with your bone. You’ll adhere to the recommendations made by our experts to maintain the health of your mouth as you recuperate, and you’ll come in for follow-up consultations.


You’ll return to our dental clinic to receive your custom restoration once you’ve recovered. The treatment will be completed when we affix your permanent restoration to your implant.


Your Implant Dentist in North Baltimore, OH

You may feel secure knowing that your oral health is in great hands if you choose Dr. O’Neill or Dr. Spetka as your implant dentist. They are the most skilled implant dentists in North Baltimore, Ohio, having had considerable training and a wide range of knowledge in dental implant restorations. Both their accomplishments and their ongoing work show their dedication to dentistry.


Dental Implants in North Baltimore

Dental implants are an increasingly popular way to replace missing teeth. They offer a more natural solution than dentures and are more comfortable and stable than dental bridges. 


If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants at Main Street Dental. Dental implant benefits include improved oral health, increased chewing ability, improved speech, and a more youthful appearance.


If you are interested in dental implants in North Baltimore, OH, schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael O’Neill or Dr. Emily Spetka at Main Street Dental today. He will be able to assess your case and determine if dental implants are right for you.